Pride, Purpose and a Paycheck are important to everyone! image

Pride, Purpose and a Paycheck are important to everyone!

Help us continue to provide employment to those with challenges

$2,205 raised

$25,000 goal

/ 150


Sustainable employment is a HAND UP!

Since 1969, Vector Industries has provided employment opportunities to persons with disabilities and/or other barriers to employment. Individuals who have not been successful in traditional employment settings thrive at Vector because we recognize the potential in each and every employee through individualized on the job training, coaching and workplace accommodations.

Over the years Vector has provided MEANINGFUL employment with a variety of fulfillment and handwork services to area manufacturers. While our customers job requirements are varied in scope and complexity, we approach each new job as an opportunity to train and build skills for our employees. Some employees are more productive than others but each employee contribution is a success in our book!

Your support will help us continue to be the premier employer in the area for those that need accommodations, schedule flexibility and simply a "hand up!"


Please contact Chrissy Johnston at Vector Industries to learn more about ways to make gifts via ACH/stock by emailing
